Search for item

Phone no
Ext order no/ref. no

Welcome to Reclaimit – a web-based service for searching information about ongoing claim and return items.

This page provides you with current information about your ongoing claim or return item by filling in the search boxes on the left with your telephone number as well as the order number/reference number of your registration receipt when you handed in an item to your store or service workshop.

Please note that the telephone number you write in the search box must be exactly the same number as you provided when you handed in your service item. Keep in mind that a phone number is sometimes written with a hyphen and sometimes without.

When you have filled in your details, click on "Search". Information about your claim or return item will then be displayed on your screen.

Reclaimit is a systems provider for the handling of returns and claims within the Nordic region to stores, suppliers and service workshops.

© 2002 - 2024 Reclaimit AB Piteå v. 0.912 | Cookies